Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How to Remove Startup Entries from MSConfig

Do you have obsolete startup entries that flood your MSConfig list? Did you know you can remove them through your registry? Here is how, 9 steps to remove unused entries…
Note: This is for Windows XP only.
  1. Open your msconfig (you type “msconfig” in your Run from your start menu)
  2. Switch to “Startup or services tab”
  3. Uncheck the services or startup programs to stop it from running on windows startup
  4. Open your registry editor (you type “regedit” in your Run from your start menu)
  5. Select “My Computer”under the list in Registry Editor
  6. Select Edit > Find (or Ctrl+F)
  7. Check on “Keys” while unchecking everything else, and hit Enter to search for “msconfig
  8. When done searching, it will bring you to this directory in the Registry Editor (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig)

    Note: Only unchecked entries will appear in startupfolder/startupreg/services.
  9. Delete those folders under startupfolder/startupreg, or services.
  10. You are done!

    Note: Unchecked entries were deleted.

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