Thursday, December 30, 2010

Enable Update Windows XP through Proxy using Windows Automatic Updates.

When your network use proxy to connect to internet, you may not be able to use Windows XP Automatic Updates to updates your Windows XP directly for the internet. Until you configure Windows XP to use proxy server you cannot enable Windows automatic updates. To enable Windows XP to use proxy server, you need to setup your Windows XP default proxy server using proxycfg the proxy configuration tools. The step by step below show how to configure Windows XP Automatic Updates to use proxy server.

Windows XP Automatic Updates through proxy

The example below show that Windows XP operating system updating and apply patch, hot fix and then update Windows XP by restarting the computer.
or Windows XP patch and hot fix apply when you want to turn off your computer.

Step to enable Windows XP Automatic Update Fix

1. Go to Start menu -> Setting -> Control Panel... then setup Windows XP automatic update by clicking on Automatic Updates icon

2. Make sure that the radio button is set to Automatic (recommended) and set the best time for your computer to download the hot fix and patch (best when your computer idle.. e.g. lunch time or midnight)

3. Now open Windows XP command prompt and type in proxycfg and then hit 'Enter' key to check current proxy for your Windows XP

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\jason>proxycfg

Microsoft (R) WinHTTP Default Proxy Configuration Tool
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Current WinHTTP proxy settings under:


SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections\

WinHttpSettings :

Direct access (no proxy server).

C:\Documents and Settings\jason>

4. To setup Windows Xp proxy server, execute proxycfg command with -p option then put Proxy Server IP address as show on command example below.


C:\Documents and Settings\jason>proxycfg -p 172.16.*

Microsoft (R) WinHTTP Default Proxy Configuration Tool
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Updated proxy settings

Current WinHTTP proxy settings under:


SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections\

WinHttpSettings :

Proxy Server(s) :

Bypass List : 172.16.*

C:\Documents and Settings\jason>

5. Verify Windows XP default proxy configuration changes by execute proxycfg command as show on example below.

6. To check Windows XP Automatic update log file, execute command shown below:

Check windows XP update log file:-

C:\Documents and Settings\jason>notepad %windir%\Windowsupdate.log

2009-08-21 10:08:12:375 1684 cc4 DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.

2009-08-21 10:08:12:375 1684 cc4 DnldMgr Generating download request for update {BF6C2D42-31A0-437D-B5B5-ED93DB8AFA77}.101

2009-08-21 10:08:12:562 1684 cc4 Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {BF6C2D42-31A0-437D-B5B5-ED93DB8AFA77}: selected action is download full-file.

2009-08-21 10:08:14:531 1684 cc4 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {BF6C2D42-31A0-437D-B5B5-ED93DB8AFA77}.101] ***********

2009-08-21 10:08:14:531 1684 cc4 DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.

2009-08-21 10:08:14:750 1684 c18 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Download update [UpdateId = {9397A21F-246

7. Get help using proxycfg command

C:\Documents and Settings\jason>proxycfg -?

Microsoft (R) WinHTTP Default Proxy Configuration Tool
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


proxycfg -? : to view help information

proxycfg : to view current WinHTTP proxy settings

proxycfg [-d] [-p []]
-d : set direct access

-p : set proxy server(s), and optional bypass list
proxycfg -u : import proxy settings from current user's

Microsoft Internet Explorer manual settings (in HKCU)

C:\Documents and Settings\jason>
Remove default proxy server on Windows XP

Use the Proxycfg.exe command tool to remove proxy server and to configure direct access to the Internet, follow these steps:

1. Open Windows Xp command interpreter cmd.exe.
2. Type in proxycfg with -d option and hit 'Enter' key to remove proxy server configuration.
C:\Documents and Settings\Jason>proxycfg -d

Microsoft (R) WinHTTP Default Proxy Configuration Tool
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Updated proxy settings

Current WinHTTP proxy settings under:


SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections\

WinHttpSettings :
Direct access (no proxy server).

C:\Documents and Settings\Jason>

Top 13 Visual Studio Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. F5: Start your project in debug mode

  2. F7 & Shift-F7: Show the code windows & Show the designer window

  3. Alt-Enter / F4: Show the properties panel for a selected object (this is general Windows shortcut that can be used on files and directories)

  4. F6 / Shift-F6 / Ctrl-Shift-B: Build solution / Build project / Build solution
  5. Shift-Alt-C: Add a new class to your project
  6. Ctrl-K + Ctrl-C: Comment a selected block of code

  7. Ctrl-K + Ctrl-U: Un-comment a selected block of code

  8. Ctrl-M + Ctrl-O / Ctrl-M + Ctrl-P: Collapse all code to definitions / Expand all code (stop collapsing)

  9. Ctrl-M + Ctrl+M: Expend or collapse a selected code fragment. The code collapsed depends on where the cursor is located

  10. Ctrl-B + Ctrl-T: Toggle code bookmark

  11. Ctrl-Alt-P: Attach the debugger to a process. This is insanely useful for debugging ASP.NET web sites without having to start the project in debug mode

  12. Ctrl-Alt-L: Show the solution explorer
  13. Ctrl-Shift-A / Alt-Shift-A: Add a new item to your project / add an existing item to your project


The following work in Visual Studio just like they do in most other Windows application.
Ctrl-N: Add a new file
Ctrl-S: Save file
Ctrl-Z / Ctrl-Y: Undo typing / Redo typing
Ctrl-F: Bring up the "Find" dialog
Ctrl-H: Bring up the "Replace" dialog
Ctrl-Tab: Scroll forward through open windows
Ctrl-Shift-Tab: Scroll backwards through open windows